
Mysia Theme

$200 / One Time

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Show your creativity with the Mysia WISECP theme.

Mysia comes with the FonPageBuilder module, which includes a drag & drop layout builder with over 30 components/modules.

FonPageBuilder is a powerful and easy-to-use WiseCP module that helps you create your website pages quickly and effortlessly. It offers a wide range of additional components (widgets) besides the system modules where you can display all your products like Domain, Hosting, Server, SMS, Software, References on any page you want. Unleash all your creativity.


FonPageBuilder Module

Drag & Drop Layout / Page Builder

With the FonPageBuilder Module, you can create page layouts and drag and drop each system module/component to create content. You can customize every small element in your theme with FonPageBuilder.

The FonPageBuilder module features a clean User Interface and more than 30 (for now) components, allowing you to add System modules, Images, Text, Videos, Slideshows, Comparison Tables, Interactive Banners, and many more widgets to your pages without touching a single line of code.

The FonPageBuilder module works only with Fononline WiseCP themes.

Available Modules / Widgets

Customizable Blocks with Multiple Styles.


FonPageBuilder module has more than 30 (for now) components that allow you to add System modules, Image, Text, Video, Slide Show, Comparison Table, Interactive Banner and many more widgets to your pages without touching any line of code.

Akordiyon Accordion

Uyarı Kutusu Alert Box

Animasyonlu Numara Animated Numbers

Blog Modulü Blog Module

İnteraktif Afiş Interactive Banners

Düğme (Button) Button

Eylem Çağrısı Call To Action

Kampanya Kutusu Campaign Box

Müşteri Logoları Client Logos

Karşılaştırma Tablosu Comparison Table

İçerik Kutusu Content Box

Geri Sayım CountDown

Domain Arama Modülü Domain Search Module

Özellik Kutusu Feature Box

Başlık Heading

Hosting Paketleri Modülü Hosting Packages Module

Resim Image

Haberler Modülü News Module

Numaralı Blok Number Box

Referanslar Modülü References Module

Sunucu Paketleri Modülü Server Packages Module

Sidebar Modülü Sidebar Module

Slayt Gösterisi Slideshow

SMS Paketleri Modülü SMS Packages Module

Yazılımlar Modülü Softwares Module

Özel Ürün Paketleri Modülü Special Products Module

Sekmeler Tabs

Ekip Üyeleri Team Member

Müşteri Görüşleri Testimonials

Text/HTML İçerik Text/HTML Content

Vektör Harita Vector Map

YouTube/HTML5 Video Youtube/HTML5 Video

Add Rows and Columns Easily

FonPageBuilder Satır / Sütun Ekle

Select the Widget/Module You Want

FonPageBuilder Bileşen Ekle

Choose Your Layout with Drag and Drop

FonPageBuilder Sürükle Bırak


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In addition to WISECP System Requirements, the following requirements must also be available on your server.

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